Sunday, April 29, 2018

Inductive Study: 3 John 1:8

We therefore ought to receive such, that we may become fellow workers for the truth.
3 John 1:8

Dear Heavenly Father, You amaze me everyday.  Truly, You are our king and worthy of not just mine but everything's praise.  The mountains, the sky, animals, the weather, everthing proclaim Your majesty!  I'm humbled by how blessed that I am.  Tonight, I pray for any believer suffering from persecution.  May God protect you, but more important use you to further His kingdom.  We are so different than the world and that's why they fear us and don't understand us.  Dear Father comfort them and raise them up.  In Jesus's name I pray, Amen.

In verse 8, John concludes his initial exhortation with a command.  Through our study, we have seen the brethren bring testimony of the hospitality given to them during their journeys.  They have been sent worthy of God's mission taking nothing from the world.  The verse starts with the word, "We," which refers to John and Gaius.  To bring deeper understanding to today's text, let's examine some key words and their companion or similar verses.

"Therefore" in the Greek is oun which means then, accordingly, by extension here's how the dots connect, hence, it has come to past.  "Therefore" is used to connect the previous passages to the conclusion stated in this verse.  "Ought" in the Greek is ophelio which means owe, be indebted, obliged to rectify a debt, expresses human and ethical responsibility, obligated (or legally required) to meet an obligation.  Since these believers went on mission to spread the Gospel taking or desiring nothing of the world, Gaius and John have an ethical responsibility.

"Receive" in the Greek is hupolambano which means take up, answer, suppose, welcome, entertain, imagine, to bear up, to assume, to receive hospitality (welcoming them as guests and providing for them), support.  "Such" in the Greek is toiontos which means such a kind, one who is of such character.  Gaius and John have an ethical responsibility to welcome these believers of great character as honored guests and provide for their needs.

"Become" in the Greek is ginomai which means come into being, born, come about, happen, emerge, change of condition-state-place, come into existence, prove oneself.  "Fellow Workers" in the Greek is sunergos which means partner, associate, helper, companion in work, one who labors with another in furthering the cause of Christ, joint promoter.  "Truth" in the Greek is aletheia which means merely truth as spoken, truth of idea, reality, sincerity, truth in the moral sphere, divine truth revealed to man, straightforwardness, true to fact, synonymous with reality, opposite to illusion, the truth as taught by Christianity, respecting God and the execution of His purposes through Christ and respecting the duties of man opposed to Gentile superstitions - Jewish inventions - and corrupt opinions of false teachers, Gospel, the message of salvation.  With this hospitality, Gaius and John prove themselves as co-laborers, promoters of the cause of Christ to reveal the message of salvation.

Since these believers went on mission to spread the Gospel taking or desiring nothing of the world, Gaius and John have an ethical responsibility to welcome these believers of great character as honored guests and provide for their needs.  With this hospitality, Gaius and John prove themselves as co-laborers, promoters of the cause of Christ to reveal the message of salvation.

We are commanded to show hospitality to missionaries.  A missionary is a Christian who travels the world to share the Gospel to people who have never had the opportunity to hear it.  They start churches which is  people called out of the world to God.  A church is not a building, it is the people.  Once a church (sometimes hidden from there repressive governments) is established, the missionary goes to the next town to start another church.

Although the word "missionary" doesn't appear in the Bible, the Bible is rife with examples.  As proof, Acts 14:1-7 states "At Iconium Paul and Barnabas went as usual into the Jewish synagogue. There they spoke so effectively that a great number of Jews and Greeks believed.  But the Jews who refused to believe stirred up the other Gentiles and poisoned their minds against the brothers.  So Paul and Barnabas spent considerable time there, speaking boldly for the Lord, who confirmed the message of his grace by enabling them to perform signs and wonders.  The people of the city were divided; some sided with the Jews, others with the apostles.  There was a plot afoot among both Gentiles and Jews, together with their leaders, to mistreat them and stone them.  But they found out about it and fled to the Lycaonian cities of Lystra and Derbe and to the surrounding country,  where they continued to preach the gospel."

The closest word to missionary in the Bible in the Greek is euaggelistes which means an evangelist, a missionary, bearer of good tidings, someone with a vocational calling from God to announce the good news of the Gospel (Christ's salvation).  While all believers are called to spread the Gospel, some make it their life's work.  By supporting their work, we become part of their work.

So we ought to support such people [welcoming them as guests and providing for them], so that we may be fellow workers for the truth [that is, for the gospel message of salvation].
Amplified Bible

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Inductive Study: 3 John 1:7

because they went forth for His name’s sake, taking nothing from the Gentiles.
3 John 1:7

Dear Heavenly Father, the world sows so much confusion that so easily can entangle us.  Please straighten my mind and help me to focus on my study.  I praise You for all that You've done in my life.  I couldn't do any of this without You.  Please keep the evil one away from me and my family.  Help us to grow in the love and knowledge of You.  In Jesus's name I pray, Amen.

In verse 7, John continues the initial exhortation.  He continues to describe the actions of "they," the brethren and strangers. This verse starts with the word "because."  With that, we need to remember our study on the previous verse.  John told Gaius that he would do well, the right and honorable thing, if he prepares them in a manner worthy of God.  In verse 7, John tells Gaius "why" he will do well.  To bring deeper understanding to today's text, let's examine some key words and their companion or similar verses.

"Went forth" in the Greek is exerchomai which means go out, went out, gone out, come out, to come forth, from, departing.  "For" in the Greek is gar which means sense is shaped by the previous statement, indeed, used to express cause, explanation, influence, continuation.  "Name" in the Greek is onoma which means character, reputation, manifestation of revelation of someone's character, as distinguishing them from others, the authority of Christ, praying in Jesus name, pray directed by Him, bringing revelation that flows out of being in His presence.  Acts 5:41 states "So they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His name."  

"Sake" in the Greek is huper which means in behalf of, above for the betterment (advantage) of, in the interests of truth, to extend benefit beyond the present situation, on account of, for the sake of, to do or suffer anything.  The fellow believers departed to influence the world for the betterment and in the interest of truth of Jesus' authority, character, and reputation.

"Taking" in the Greek is lambano which means receive, get, take, lay hold of aggressively (actively), what is available (offered), seize, to get possession of a thing, strive to obtain, accepting.  "Nothing" in the Greek is medeis which means no one, nothing, none, not even one, no man, have nothing to do with, in no respect.  1 Corinthians 9:12 states "If others are partakers of this right over you, are we not even more? Nevertheless we have not used this right, but endure all things lest we hinder the gospel of Christ." 1 Corinthians 9:15 states "But I have used none of these things, nor have I written these things that it should be done so to me; for it would be better for me to die than that anyone should make my boasting void."  

"Gentiles" in the Greek is ethnikos which means pagan, heathen, non-Jew, standing outside of God's covenant, alien to the worship of the one true God, savoring the nature of pagans.  Ethnikos is from the root word, ethnos, which means the nation.  The fellow believers didn't strive to obtain anything of this world so that they would not hinder the Gospel of Christ.  They didn't even want the recognition of doing the work of spreading the Gospel.

We will do well in this world if we model the behaviors of the fellow believers in this verse.  They wanted nothing to do with the world.  They did everything to uphold the reputation of Jesus.  They wanted the world to know the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  Do my actions benefit Christ?  Am I good example of Christ in me?  Do I rely on the acceptance and praise of the world?  Please understand that my life not only reflects my reputation but more importantly Jesus' reputation. 

Knowing this, I'm humbled of how unworthy I am.  However, since I believe in Jesus and what He did for me and all of us, I am made worthy.  You can be made worthy and be different than this world.  You can be freed of the shackles of the perceptions and demands of this world.  Simply admit you are unworthy, believe that Christ died to take the punishment for your unworthiness, and confess to the world that Jesus has made you worthy. 

Ecclesiastes 7:20 states "For there is not a just man on earth who does good and does not sin."  Ezekiel 18:20 states "The soul who sins shall die."  But there is tremendous, life changing news!  John 3:15-16 states "that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.  For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."  God is calling you.  The world is calling You.  Whom will you serve?  Whom will you chose?

For these [traveling missionaries] went out for the sake of the Name [of Christ], accepting nothing [in the way of assistance] from the Gentiles
Amplified Bible

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Inductive Study: 3 John 1:6

who have borne witness of your love before the church. If you send them forward on their journey in a manner worthy of God, you will do well,
3 John 1:6

Dear Heavenly Father, You do answer prayers, big and small.  It may not be what we envisioned or in our timing, but You do answer prayers.  Let me just praise Your name.  Whatever glory I have to give, I give it all to You.  I'm humbled by Your love and Your grace.  Help me tonight to stay grounded in Your Word and please let Your Word speak wisdom into my life.  In Jesus's name I pray, Amen.

In verse 6, John continues the body of the letter focusing on encouragement.  The first part of the body is the initial exhortation, or an emotional plea to inspire people to act.  To bring deeper understanding to today's text, let's examine some key words and their companion or similar verses.

This verse starts with the word "who."  We must look to the previous verse to discover the identity of the "who."  In this case, the people referred are the brethren and strangers.  "Borne witness" in the Greek is martureo which means testify, told, give evidence, give a good report, to bear witness unto the truth and how great it is, testimony by deed not word.  "Love" in the Greek is agape which means benevolence, good will friendship, esteem, love which centers on moral preference, divine love which God prefers.  Fellow Christians and strangers that Gaius has helped inform the world of Gaius' kindness and friendship to them.

"Before" in the Greek is enopios which means before the face of, in the presence of, in the eyes of, all things happen under God's watch in keeping with His plan built on His absolute knowledge, before one's eyes, in one's presence and sight of hearing.  The English word, church, comes from the Greek word, kyriakos, which means belonging to the Lord.  However in this verse, "church" in the Greek is ekklesia which means assembly, congregation, whole body of Christian believers, people called out of the world to God, a company of Christians.  Ekklesia is made of the word iek (out from and to) and kaleo (to call).  The brethren and aliens report with tangible evidence Gaius' hospitality bodily in the presence and sight of hearing of the people called out from the world to God, the whole assembly of believers.

"Send them forward on their journey" in the Greek is propempo which means send forward, assist and send, accompany, equip for a journey, send before, send forth, helped on my way, fit him out with the requisites for his journey.  "In a manner worthy" in the Greek is axios which means suitable because recognized as fitting (have worth that matches an actual value).  1 Thessalonians 2:12 states "that you would walk worthy of God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory."  Colossians 1:10 states "that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God."  Gaius has prepared the brethren and strangers.  He has outfitted them with the supplies and wisdom in a manner valuable to God, who owns and sustains all things.  They are prepared for this journey called life to please God by being fruitful in every good work.

"Well" in the Greek is kalos which means nobly, rightly, honorably, viewed as good, appealing, advantageous, winsomely attractive, agreeable to the facts and words of the case, rightly so there is no room for blame, act uprightly.  If Gaius outfits them for the journey in a manner honorable to God, he will act uprightly so there is no room for blame.

Gaius is friendly and generous when receiving guests, visitors, and strangers.  He cares for them through his hospitality.  Being hospitable toward guests is easy, toward visitors can be uncomfortable, and toward strangers can be frightening and hard.  How does Gaius have this ability?  The answer is simple, the Holy Spirit.  As a believer, the Holy Spirit gives us gifts to conduct the ministry.  1 Peter 4:9 states "Be hospitable to one another without grumbling."  This thought is concluded at the end of 1 Peter 4:11 which states "that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever."  When you show hospitality, you shine Christ.

Luke 6:31 states "And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise."  If someone cuts you off in traffic, take a breath, say a prayer for them, and continue to drive safely.  You don't know what is going on with their day.  Give them the benefit of the doubt.  Judge them favorably in the absence of full evidence.  If we all show this patience and caring for each other, how the Gospel would be proclaimed.  Be friendly, understanding, and generous to everyone, even ones you don't know.

and they have testified before the church of your love and friendship. You will do well to [assist them and] send them on their way in a manner worthy of God.
Amplified Bible

Monday, April 2, 2018

Inductive Study: 3 John 1:5

Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you do for the brethren and for strangers, 
3 John 1:5 

Dear Heavenly Father, help me to concentrate on your Word today.  Please remove the distractions of life and of people.  Help me to be your faithful servant.  In Jesus's name I pray, Amen.   

In verse 5, John begins the body of the letter which focusing on doctrine (Christian set of beliefs) and encouragement.  The first part of the body is the initial exhortation, or an emotional plea to inspire people to act.  To bring deeper understanding to today's text, let's examine some key words and their companion or similar verses. 

"Beloved" in the Greek is agapetos which means beloved by Christ/God/one another, divinely loved, personally experiencing God's "agape-love," divinely loved ones, esteemed, favorite, reconciled by God and judged worthy of eternal life.  John is once again repeating his love of his fellow Christian, Gaius. 

"Do" in the Greek is poieo which means make, manufacture, construct, act, cause, to perform something worthy of a Christian.  "Faithfully" in the Greek is pistos which means trustworthy, believing, loyalty to faith, fullness of faith, believing faith that God imparts, to do something harmonizing with Christian faith.  "Whatever" in the Greek is hos which means who, which, what, that, also demonstrates this.  According to John, whenever Gaius acts, he performs it in a manner worthy of being called a Christian loyal to God. 

"Brethren" in the Greek is adelphos which means member of the same religious community, fellow Christian, fellow believer.   Galatians 6:10 states "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith."  Hebrews 13:1 states "Let brotherly love continue."  "Strangers" in the Greek is xenos which means new, novel, foreigner, alien, guest.  Matthew 25:35 states " for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in."  These activities that Gaius does, he does them not only for fellow believers but also for people who he doesn't know and/or who aren't Christians. 

Gaius, divinely loved by God who has been judged worthy of eternal life, performs acts worthy of a Christian loyally and faithfully for fellow Christians, guests, foreigners, aliens, and strangers.  "Worthy" in the Greek is either axioo which means matching value to actual substance or axios which means God's balance scale of truth.  A worthy person is honorable, meritorious.  Specifically, the person has credible (worthy of belief, esteem, and praise) conduct, good reputation, deserving of respect, integrity, and a keen sense of duty.  Am I worthy of being called a Christian? 

Romans 7:18 states "For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find."  It is not me who is worthy but Christ who lives within me as a believer.  Romans 8:1 states "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit."  Howeverthat doesn't mean I can neglect the brethren or the strangers.  For James 2:14 states "What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him?" 

How do people know that I'm a Christian, by the fruit of my works.  How am I able to do these works, only by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.  Am I worthy? Christ makes me worthy and the Holy Spirit enables me to live worthy. 

Beloved, you are acting faithfully in what you are providing for the brothers, and especially when they are strangers; 
Amplified Bible