I, therefore, the
prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you
were called
Personal Mission - Be a man of God
Personal Vision - Lead like Christ, Walk
with Christ, Love my wife and children in a way that they understand
Dear heavenly
Father, as I dig deeper into your Word, please give eyes to see and ears to
hear. Remove any preconceived notions
and let the Holy Spirit speak to me through your Word. Remove all anxieties and distractions, help
me to concentrate on You and what You have for my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
Our passage today
comes from the book of Ephesians. This
is Paul's letter to the churches in western Asia minor near Ephesus, the Roman
capital in Asia. The city was a center of
commerce and trade. Nearly 250,000
people lived there. It also housed the
Temple of Artemis. The people's belief
structure is not so different from today.
What may be truth for you, is not truth to me. In Ephesians 4:1, Paul, whose life is captive
for the Lord, is instructing the Ephesian churches about God.
The passage starts
with "therefore" instructing us to examine the preceding
paragraph(s). In Ephesians 3:14, the
entire paragraph is predicated on the previous paragraph(s) - "For this
reason." Paul is here to preach to
"the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ," which is God's
"gift of grace." By preaching
the Gospel, Paul encourages us to be strengthened, have Christ dwell in our
hearts, know the love of Christ, be filled with the fullness of God. From these encouragements, he transitions to
Ephesians 4:1.
Understanding the
context of the passage, let's delve deeper into the specific words. Remember, the Bible was written in Greek not
English. By understanding the depth of
key words and phrases, we can discover more about the passage. The Bible translation that I use for my blog
is the New King James Version (NKJV).
Other translations may use different words.
Looking at the
following translations - NIV, NASB, ESV, NLT, "beseech" is replaced
with urge, implore, appeal, and beg. The
Greek word is parakaleo which means summon, entreat, invite, exhort, comfort,
and encourage. Paul is passionate about
what he is about to say, nearly begging but also encouraging.
"Walk" is
replaced with live and lead. The Greek
word is peripateo or conduct my life, regulates one life, make progress, make
use of opportunities, be occupied with.
Walk is the command in my vision statement, "Walk like
Christ." It will be the focus of
future blogs. Walk isn't a physical
activity. It is how we live our lives.
Worthy, Calling, and
Called were used the same in all translations examined, but they are important
words to study. Examining the Greek,
"worthy" is axios or suitable, after a Godly sort. "Calling" is klesis or invitation,
divine call, inviting people to receive God's gift of salvation (with all its
blessings), embrace salvation.
"Called" is similar as kaleo or invite, appoint one to
Paul begs us to
conduct our lives, making use of all God appointed opportunities, worthily of
God's gift of salvation that we have received.
Think about it, Jesus died for your sins. He took our punishment. He died and rose again three days later
claiming victory over that sin. For
whoever believes in Jesus, will have eternal life. Live like you cherish that greatest gift.
How does this apply
to my life? I need to be an example of
Christ, so people can see that example so when I share the Gospel, Jesus' good
news, it will not be hindered by my hypocrisy.
To do this, I'll build confidence and security in my faith by studying
the Bible and using that knowledge and the Holy Spirit within me to conduct my
life in a manner that glorifies God.
The Amplified Bible
expounds on the original text with more descriptions. I'll use its version of this passage in
So I, the prisoner
for the Lord, appeal to you to live a life worthy of the calling to which you
have been called [that is, to live a life that exhibits godly character, moral
courage, personal integrity, and mature behavior—a life that expresses gratitude
to God for your salvation]
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